We are a company formed by a multidisciplinary team in which we combine training, experience, management skills and creativity in order to offer as values the excellence, commitment and differentiation of the service offered to our customers, all with the priority objective of promoting sustainability in environmental, energy, architectural and engineering matters.

Gaener, dirección técnica

As a Technical Office, these professional characteristics allow us to offer technical services such as management and grant applications or financing for investments or actions in the field of energy efficiency and renewable energy as well as the writing of reports and technical projects.

Similarly, within the Architecture and Construction section, we consider representative the issuing of reports (EBR, diseases, justifications, etc.), the drafting of technical projects (preliminary design and execution), the management of preventive security measures in protected buildings, the planning and execution of improvements in the accessibility of buildings/housing and comprehensive restorations of buildings/housing at an internal or external level, prevailing within this section, the Energy Restoration of buildings with more than 500 references.

Within the Renewable Energy sector, we have a representative number of references at a national and international level and at a different scale, from self-consumption facilities to large-scale generation projects. Within this department, we provide the services of technical consulting, project management and development, quality control and operational management.

Finally, within the section on Energy Efficiency, the actions and / or services we undertake are summarized in the monitoring and management of energy resources, the consulting and design of efficient installations, the renovation of facilities and the realization of the pertinent certifications with more than 200 references.

Gaener, energías renovables
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Technical services within the different fields of action

Owing to the level of training, work experience and first-class professional relationships, at Gaener we offer a wide range of technical services.

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Global Services in the field of architecture and construction

Consultancy services, design, development, conservation and comprehensive restorations of existing buildings or the construction of new buildings.

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Involved in sustainability favouring the renewable generation

At Gaener, we are committed to the energy transition towards a model based on renewable energy generation and a green economy.

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The best energy is what is saved

At Gaener we believe that savings and energy management should be the first points to assess before any valuation of energy investment.